Transversal do Tempo

by Henrique Amoedo e Maurício Freitas


Transversal do Tempo


Transversal do Tempo is a show of the contemporary dance work developed at the São Martinho gymnasium, since the ratification of the protocol of collaboration between the Muncipality of Funchal and Regional Directorate of Special Education and Rehabilitation / Dançando com a Diferença project.

In this work, there were 28 senior users of the São Martinho gymnasium, as well as 21 disabled users of the secondary groups of the Dançando com a Diferença project, from different Regional Directorate of Special Education and Rehabilitation services, namely the Technical Service for the Intellectually Disabled / Quinta do Leme and the Center of Occupational Activities of Funchal.


Artistic File

Choreography: Henrique Amoedo and Maurício Freitas

Choreography assistant: Telmo Ferreira and Luísa Aguiar

Rehearsal assistant: Fátima Trindade


Gymnasium of São Martinho Adelaide Aveiro, Adelaide Caldeira, Alcinda Correia, Alexandra Ornelas, Cândida Vicente, Conceição Vieira, Fernanda Freitas, Fernanda Gonçalves, Fernanda Sousa, Firmino Caldeira, Gabriela Macedo, Gorete Jesus, Gracinda Cruz, Gracinda Serrão, Graça Freitas, Ilda Faria, João Higino, Maria Alice Mota, Maria Gomes Marques, Maria Gorete Barros, Maria José Abreu, Maria José Freitas, Odília França, Ursulina Basílio, Virgínia Silva and Zaida Silva

Center of Occupational Activities of Funchal Cláudia Basílio, Margarida Ester, Marisa Cochofel, Maurício Valente, Roberto Silva and Rui Costa

Technical Service for the Intellectually Disabled / Quinta do Leme - group 08: Ana Luísa, Enia Rodrigues, Jorge Abreu, Regina Gonçalves, Rodrigo Gouveia, Rui Pires and Suze Santos group 11: Dino Rodrigues, Élvio Quintal, Fabiana Teixeira, Filipe Jesus, Joana Castro, Kelly Brito, Raquel Perreira and Ricardo Sapeta

Escort: Luísa Aguiar, Maurício Freitas and Telmo Ferreira


Premiere: 31/05/07   Baltazar Dias Municipal Theater   Madeira, in the scope of the Senior Expo (Portugal)

Transversal do Tempo

Transversal do Tempo

Published at 08 April, 2018


