
by Henrique Amoedo






They also say it is:

To admire the beautiful apollonian and to be attracted to the brilliant. To be educated by the delicate and the dazzling sculptural charm, which gives rise to the ethereal. The beautiful and graceful that makes the harmonic harmonious. Son of the magnificent and of the perfect wonder that reached the symmetry of the sublime superb.

They also say it has:

The abominable maladjustment of the disgusting defect, son of the clumsy, brother of the unpleasant, disfigured and cursed, which drove the damage to the asymmetric disproportion of the fetid, generated by the horrendous horrifying and yet horrible disgust result of the sordid repulse of the hateful.

(Sara Anjo)


A show that brings to the stage the universe of the grotesc and the world of fashion

(Henrique Amoedo)




Artistic File

Artistic direction and choreografy: Henrique Amoedo (with colaboration of the cast)

Music direction: Paulo Maria Rodrigues

Drama assistant: Sara Anjo

Vídeo design: Paulo Américo

Images with digital treatment: DDiarte (Diamantino Jesus and José Diogo)

Costume and lighting: Maurício Freitas

Dressmaker and stage assistent: Fátima Trindade


5ª Punkada

Direction and guitar: Paulo Jacob

Voice and soundbeam: Fausto Sousa

Voice, soundbeam and keyboard: Fátima Pinho

Soundbeam, drums and keyboard: Márcio Reis

Soundbeam: Ricardo Sousa


Factor E

Voice and electronic: Ana Paula Almeida

Guitar, trompet and eletronic: Filípe Lopes


Outros músicos

Voice: Luís Miguel Fontes

Drums and hang drum: António Sérginho


Dançando com a Diferença

Interpreter: António José Freitas, Bárbara Matos, Joana Caetano, José Manuel Figueira, Juliana Andrade, Luísa Aguiar, Ricardo Mendes, Sofia Marote, Sónia Gouveia, Teresa Martins and Telmo Ferreira

Rehearsal assistant - dance teacher: Vanessa Amaral

Photographic report: Estúdio Quattro Júlio Castro

Direction: AAAIDD Associação dos Amigos da Arte Inclusiva - Dançando com a Diferença and House of Music


Absolute premiere: 09/04/2009   House of Music   Porto (Portugal)



Published at 06 April, 2018


