by Patrick Murys


What if from the imperfection of reality, as we live it, we create a fiction? A place where the rawness of bodies is combined with the power of our imagination?

“GABO”, a creation by Patrick Murys for Dançando com a Diferença,  it is a children's and youth show where differences are highlighted so that young people and children can do their own analysis.

The name of the show is also the name of the puppet who, like his fellow dancers, travels the stage to question his own limits and place. The difference and equality, the ugly and the beautiful, the reality and the illusion, its limits and its place, are issues that the presence of “GABO”, puppet manipulated by the dancers, awakens on the scene, to take us to the meeting of a greater force within our humanity.

Premiere:  11th of December at 21h00 at Teatro Viriato (Viseu)


Ficha Artística:


Staging and artists director Patrick Murys

Choreography assistant Romulus Neagu

Performance Diogo Peres, João Estrela e José Pereira

Light design Cristóvão Cunha

Music Norberto Gonçalves da Cruz

Vocal Lidiane Duailibi

Voice off Ana Vargas

Cenography Patrick Murys

Puppets creation and cenography assistant Sandra Neves

Support to the puppet creation Catarina Falcão

Costumes Sandra Neves

Coordination of illusionism José Pereira (Zé Mágico)

Texts Cuca Calheiros e Jorge Lopes

Portuguese Sign Language Interpretation Susana Tavares

Audiodescription Roberto Terra

Audio description Henrique Amoedo, Diogo Gonçalves, Ricardo Meireles and Roberto Terra

Promotional video and streaming Tomás Pereira


Special thanks to Léonard and Júlia


Dançando com a Diferença Artistic Directo Henrique Amoedo

Dançando com a Diferença/Viseu general coordinator Ricardo Meireles


GABO by Patrick Murys  is a coproduction by  Teatro Viriato / Dançando com a Diferença

Gabo de Patrick Murys

Gabo de Patrick Murys

Published at 30 November, 2020


