by Henrique Amoedo




GROTOX (in 2009) and ENDLESS (in 2012) are creations that, viewed through a magnifying glass, bring us closer to the lack of dignity in human relations. In the first creation the search for the eternal beauty and the confrontation with the difference, with the deficiency, with the grotesque and with the botox give emphasis to the scene. In the second creation the Holocaust is only one of the most barbaric results of antisemitism. In both creations, prejudice, discrimination and hostility are present.

SAFE (2019) will be a journey through paths that are not necessarily the ones we chose, but the ones we have the option to escape through, with a (false) certainty that we will find a better world.

As in the previous two pieces, dance, video and live music continue to be present as a solid foundation to position ourselves for the future. In this last work, that makes up the trilogy of dignity and human relations (or lack of), to observe or act will always be an individual decision.


Henrique Amoedo (May 2019)



Artistic File

Choreography: Henrique Amoedo, Natércia Kuprian and Telmo Ferreira

Artistic direction: Henrique Amoedo

Cast: Aldónio Berimbau, Alexandra Castro, Aléxis Fernandes, Alícia Moniz, Ana Cristina Teixeira, Ana Paula Macara, Anaís Sampaio, Bernardo Graça, Betânia Olivache, Carlota Kuprian, Carmelita Faia, Carmo Camacho, Conceição Correia, Conceição Vieira, Cristiana Caldeira, Cristina Baptista, Cristina Henriques, Dalila Abreu, Diogo Freitas, Dúlio Aguiar, Eva Castro, Fátima Anjos, Fernanda Sousa, Filipa Vieira, Filipe Rodrigues, Gorete Jesus, Helena Andrade, Helena Camacho, Helena Machado, Ilda Câmara, Irene Sequeira, Isabel Teixeira, Joana Gomes, Joana Santos, José Diogo Abreu, José Figueira, José Gomes, Kevin Kouefati, Leonor Oliveira, Lígia Clara Rosa, Manuela Vieira, Maria Alcinda Nascimento, Maria Inês Silva, Maria Teresa Gomes, Marta Sousa, Michael Santos, Natalie Lima, Nuno Borba, Patrícia Júlio, Rita Domingos, Roberto Silva, Rodrigo de Aguiar, Rui João Costa, Sabrina Gonçalves, Sara Rebolo, Sara Teixeira, Sofia Pires, Sónia Gouveia, Soraia Ferreira, Teresa Pestana, Teresa Spínola and Vicente Sá.

Special guest: Cristina Santinho


Musical direction: Norberto Gonçalves da Cruz

Vocal direction: Lidiane Duailibi

Music: Aires Pereira, Jose Pereira, Luis Cruz, Miguel Apolinário, Norberto Cruz and Ricardo Mota

Backing vocals / singing: Emilie Mangoni, Énia Caires, Lidiane Duailibi, Marta Sousa, Roberto Silva and Sofia Almeida

Voice / special participation: Aléxis Fernandes and Carlota Kuprian 

Artistic collaboration: Associação dos Bandolins da Madeira


Video design and video direction: Filipe Ferraz

Technical direction and light design: Ricardo Martins

Photography and final video editing: Ângelo de Sousa


Video testimonials: Bárbara Castelhanos, Jenit Vieira, Juan Ferreira and Fátima de Abreu

With the participation of: Elena Suoppo, Gabriel Ferreira, Hilária de Abreu, Maria Fátima Vieira, Sabrina Gonçalves, Samanta Gonçalves and Susi Abreu.

Mediation and conduct collection: Cristina Santinho and Henrique Amoedo

Support: Rita Domingos and Marco de Barros

Image capture and image editing: Filipe Ferraz


Poem by: Marco de Barros

Translation of the final text: Ângelo de Sousa, Beatriz Jardim, Carlos Ferreira, Diogo Gonçalves, Emilie Mangoni, Marco de Barros and Odílio Lima


Portuguese Sign Language interpreter: Beatriz Jardim and Débora Maria Vieira da Silva


Thanks to: the entire staff of the Municipal Baltazar Dias Theater, the Headquarters of the Military Zone of Madeira, the SANAS Madeira, the Residential Home of the Madeira Social Inclusion Center of the Madeira Social Security Institute IP-RAM, the Office of Support For the Gifted from Regional Directorate of Education and the Community center of Municipality of Funchal.


Finally, special thanks to director Skye Fitzgerald for providing scenes from his award-winning documentary "Lifeboat" for the performance of this show.



Is a resident company in Mudas. Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Madeira

Direction: Dançando com a Diferença

Executive production and communication: Diogo Gonçalves

Logistic support and logistic production: Mariana Valente, Nuno Borba and Sara Valente

Graphic design: Melissa Corrêa


Co-production: Municipality of Funchal

Structure funded by: Portuguese Republic / Directorate-General for the Arts; Regional Government of Madeira / Regional Directorate of Education / Regional Directorate of Culture


Rated: +  6 years

Premiere: 24/05/2019     Baltazar Dias  Municipal Theatre   Funchal (Portugal)

SAFE de Henrique Amoedo

SAFE de Henrique Amoedo

Published at 27 September, 2019


