Henrique Amoedo lecture

by Henrique Amoedo


Conferencia de Henrique Amoedo




The experience of the Dançando com a Diferença group, in Portugal and abroad, guided the presentation by Henrique Amoedo, mentor and artistic director of this project and creator of the concept of Inclusive Dance.

Some of the processes of choreographic creation of works from the company's repertoire were explained, with the choreography "Bichos" (by Rui Lopes Graça) as the central focus, and the relationships between the literary and choreographic works.


Theme: The role of Art as a form of Social Inclusion (include the relationship or importance of narrative and/or dramatic text, with performance and/or contemporary dance).

Promoter: Association of Former Students of the School of Apel

Event: APELarte - Art Week of the School of Apel

Date: May 5, 2017

Place: Apel's School

Henrique Amoedo lecture

Henrique Amoedo lecture

Published at 09 April, 2018


