Sprecific Site - Dancing with the Difference in the waves

by Henrique Amoedo - On Fusion (Porto Bay)


Sprecific Site - Dancing with the Difference in the waves


The relationship between Art and the environment where it is inserted, with a previous planning of what one wants to present thought specifically for the space in question, are some of the characteristics of the "site specific".


Contemporary artistic production is increasingly turning to space and incorporating it into artistic works, making this space part of the artistic composition, which undergoes changes depending on it, but also transforms it. 


Based on these assumptions and on the invitation from the organization of the ON by Porto Bay, the artistic director of the Associação dos Amigos da Arte Inclusiva - Dançando com a Diferença, Henrique Amoedo, is creating a "site specific" that will take place in the Almirante Reis Gardens, using its "waves" as the scenario and motive for the creation of this intervention. 


"The fluidity proposed by these waves, the discipline and rigidity necessary to produce satisfactory artistic results are contradictory aspects that interest me," said Henrique Amoedo. Moreover, he continued, "On by Porto Bay is an event where we have total freedom to create. We can develop projects without worrying about the market, with the circulation of the works and other production issues that we always have to consider in our daily lives. With this we can dare a little more and discover new paths, and of course we try to use these aspects as opportunities to grow. In this case, and as could not be otherwise, we thought of creating something that would not leave out the philosophical principles of inclusion, which we defend in AAAIDD and in the Dançando com a Diferença Project, and we decided to open this project to the community. It was very interesting and very rewarding because we have almost one hundred people, from children to the elderly, with and without disabilities, working together, always with a lot of will and good mood. That's what matters, the relationship between people with the objective of producing something that, maybe, in the end, may result in something artistically satisfactory". 


Organization: Porto Bay

Event: On Fusion

Date: July 16th 2011

Site Sprecific – Dançando com a Diferença nas ondas

Site Sprecific – Dançando com a Diferença nas ondas

Published at 09 April, 2018


