Workshop - The body as a communication tool

by Francisco Brás e Vanessa Amaral


Workshop "The body as an instrument of communication 


General objectives: Promote a greater awareness of the relationship between emotions and the relationship with the other; Become aware of the body as a communicative and emotional agent; Develop the capacity for improvisation through themes, stimuli and words, in the context of emotion. 

Specific objectives: Explore the creativity and quality of movement; Improve body alignment; Use expressive approaches in emotional contexts; Work the dimension of emotions in the relationship with the other. 

Date: 17 to 21 October 2016

Trainers: Francisco Brás and Vanessa AmaralTraining

Hours: 25

Place: São Martinho Gymnasium - Funchal


Workshop "O corpo como instrumento de comunicação"

Published at 09 April, 2018


