Workshop - Intensive Maps

by Sara Anjo


Workshop "Intensive Maps”

Intensive Maps works on the mapping of bodies and movement in its complexity.

According to a cartography that enhances their multiplicity and affectivity, it tries to look at the completeness, not closing or reducing it. With the body as the main engine, Intensive Maps explored different zones and territories, forming a diagram with different proposals for listening and immersion, zones of motor, sensory and perceptive activation, which both invite to a contemplative state of observation and absorption, as an operative place, driven by action and participation. 

Date: July 24-28, 2017

Orientation: Sara Anjo

Training Hours: 15 

Residency Support: Espaço do Tempo, Devir-Capa, Largo das Residências, Fórum Dança 

Co-production: Negócio-ZDB

Project funded by the Ministry of Culture/General Directorate of Arts

Mapas Intensivos

Mapas Intensivos

Published at 09 April, 2018


