Por Delicadeza

by Henrique Amoedo




An initiative of the  Viriato Theater, within the scope of the action plan

of the Local Council of Social Action, financed by the Municipality of Viseu,

in partnership with Dançando com a Diferença.


POR DELICADEZA: the Inclusive Dance for various disabilities, it is a medium-duration project in the area of ​​Inclusive Dance. It was developed for a group of people with various disabilities, institutionalized and non-institutionalized, within the region of Viseu.

It works profoundly the dance experience with all its participants, regardless whether they have or not any type and/or previous connection to the issues involving the disability.

It brings together people with various disabilities, as well as people without disabilities, in the same work group, breaking the medical/specialist tendency to separate people by areas of disability. The project and the consequence of the work already experienced in 2014 was directed by the choreographer Henrique Amoedo. “Dançando com a Diferença – ROAD” brought together users of seven institutions in Viseu. It served as an analysis and defined parameters for the realization of a more risky, demanding and lasting project. This allowed more consistent results in the participants directly involved, but also in the families and therapists who accompany the patients on a daily basis.

The project POR DELICADEZA paved the way for the creation of a dance group of contemporary dance. It brought together people with and without disabilities, under the artistic coordination of Henrique Amoedo, choreographer who introduced the concept of Inclusive Dance in Portugal.

POR DELICADEZA, guided by Francisca Mata and Ricardo Meireles, involves 10 institutions to support people with disabilities and various community participants. An initiative of the Viriato Theater, within the scope of the action plan of the Local Council of Social Action, financed by Municipality of Viseu, in partnership with Dançando com a Diferença.    



Artistic File 

Coordination: Henrique Amoedo| Dançando com a Diferença

Orientation: Francisca Mata and Ricardo Meireles


Location: Teatro Viriato - Viseu (Portugal)

Date: December 3rd and December 4th of 2016

Por Delicadeza

Por Delicadeza

Published at 08 April, 2018


