"Encludança - 1st Inclusive Dance Meeting
Date: 26 to 31 July 2010
Promoters: Association of Friends of Inclusive Art - Dançando com a Diferença (AAAIDD); Dançando com a Diferença Group
Place: Madeira - Portugal
The Event
The Associação dos Amigos da Arte Inclusiva - Dançando com a Diferença (AAAIDD) (Association of Friends of Inclusive Art - Dancing with the Difference), betting on the training of the members of its groups and also broadening this perspective to the general public, held the 1st Inclusive Dance Meeting (ENCLUDANCE) from 26 to 31 July 2010.
For this event internationally recognized professionals were invited who develop their activities in dance companies in the UK, Spain and Brazil.
The Guests (Workshops / Statements / Conference / Round Table)
Pedro Machado (UK).
Born in France, raised in Brazil and educated in England, in 2007 he was appointed, together with Stine Nilsen, co-artistic director of CanDoCo Dance Company (London), the most important international reference among contemporary dance companies that include people with disabilities in their cast, replacing the founding artistic director, Celeste Dandeker.
Before taking on this role, she danced in the company for nine years, participating in the creations of important choreographers, besides contributing to its educational project.
Rosangela Bernabé and Renata Carvalho (Brazil)
Rosangela is one of the precursors of dance work with people with disabilities in Brazil, having represented the country in different national and international events with Grupo Giro. She won the Cláudia award (2001), granted by Editora Abril through its homonymous publication, for the social and artistic merit of her work.
Renata Carvalho is a psychologist and dance teacher trained in movement re-education. She was the first wheelchair-user dancer in Brazil and one of the founders of Grupo Giro.
Flávia Cintra (Brazil)
She is a journalist and activist for the rights of people with disabilities. She represented Brazil in the ad-hoc committee created by the UN to elaborate the Convention on the Rights of the Person with Disability. She was a consultant for Manoel Carlos and advised the actress Alinne Moraes during the soap opera "Viver a Vida" aired in Brazil by Rede Globo and, in Portugal, by SIC during 2010.
Carla Vendramin (United Kingdom)
She teaches on the Royal Academy of Dance's Step Into Dance program at West Lea School for children with special educational needs. She has worked on the educational projects of the Candoco Dance Company and is currently also working at the Markhouse center on a project involving people with different types of disabilities.
Gabriela Martim León (Spain)
She is the president of the Fundación Psico Ballet Maite León in Madrid. A graduate of the Real Conservatorio de Madrid, she is a dancer of classical technique, Spanish classical ballet, as well as a choreographer of contemporary dance, costume and set designer.
Carolina Gurgel (Brazil)
Artistic director and performer of In Verso Companhia de Dança, in Natal, Brazil, Carolina Gurgel is also an expert psychologist, with research and work done in the field of disability, thus contributing to the research about inclusion and training of dancers.
Henrique Amoedo (Portugal)
Founder of the Roda Viva Cia de Dança in Natal (Brazil), a company he directed from 1994 to 2001, and technical-artistic advisor in the creation of the Cia. Experimental - Grupo Mão na Roda in Diadema (Brazil). He was responsible for the implementation of Inclusive Dance in the Autonomous Region of Madeira through the Dançando com a Diferença Project and is currently artistic director of the Associação dos Amigos da Arte Inclusiva Dançando com a Diferença. Master in Performance Artistic-Dance, he investigates the participation of people with disabilities in the contemporary universe of dance.

Encludança - 1º Encontro Inclusivo de Dança
Published at 07 April, 2018