9 x 9

by Henrique Amoedo


9 x 9


The representation of the fertility present in Venus and the perfection associated with the number 9 led us to the conception of this work.

Danced by an inclusive cast of dancers with and without disabilities, this choreography may be the end of a 9 month cycle... a Venus inspired fertility party, a praise to the Gods and Angels, a tribute to the slaves, or yet a way of playing with the numbers... 9 x 9 for some reason...

(Henrique Amoedo)



Artistic File

Conception and choreography: Henrique Amoedo (with the collaboration of the Cast)

Stereographic 3D conception: Arquimedes Produções Estereográficas and Henrique Amoedo

Production and post-production 3D stereographic: Arquimedes Produções Estereográficas

Original drawings for virtual characters: Paulo Sérgio Beju

Virtual characters: Arquimedes Produções Estereográficas

Soundtrack: Portuguese Popular Culture; Cordel do Fogo Encantado; Carlos Maria Trindade; Leonid Oorzhak; F. Jezequel, Y. Lardant and T. Oi

Light design (conception): Henrique Amoedo

Set: Henrique Amoedo and Arquimedes Produções Estereográficas

Costume: Y'NOT

Production team: Ana Alves, Dina Pinto, Fátima Trindade, Paula Macara and Rita Lucília

Production: Regional Directorate of Special Education and Rehabilitation


The virtual characters Human Body and Robot were based on the original drawings of Paulo Sérgio Beju, with the support of the Museum of Contemporary Art - Fortaleza de São Tiago (Funchal)


Absolute premiere: 03/06/2002   Funchal (Portugal)

9 x 9

9 x 9

Published at 30 March, 2018


