+Inclusão Escolas - Treinos de Autonomia Vida Diária

by Dançando com a Diferença


+Inclusão Escolas - Treinos de Autonomia Vida Diária


EN: + Inclusion for Schools – Autonomy and Daily Life Competences Training


This project is an answer of the group Dançando com a Diferença as a way of promoting the development of the global capacities of students with special educational needs through the acquisition of what we call “Daily Life Competences”. This training is done in together with other practices and educative and pedagogic methodologies acquired through our experience in Inclusive Dance.

This project is being developed on the Specialized Education Units from Schools of Madeira Island and counts with the partnership of the Regional Secretariat of Education (Secretaria Regional de Educação).

This project aims the aquisition of competences that will permit the students with disabilities to have na independent life, preparing them for adulthood.


This training approaches areas like: Cooking, personal hygiene, cleaning and mobility.



Support/Partnership: Secretaria Regional da Educação – Regional Secretariat of Education

+Inclusão Escolas - Treino Diário Vida Diária

+Inclusão Escolas - Treino Diário Vida Diária

Published at 26 March, 2018


