Garanito: Histórias e Memórias

by Natércia Kuprian e Telmo Ferreira


Garanito: Histórias e Memórias


Your simple and small name, as genuine as the hands of Madeiran women who have devoted time to you for generations, until you are a mark, on the body, of time and history of embroiderers, businessmen, merchants and travelers. You take the archives of the old factories of the city of Funchal, in the sheets blurred with blue, which time cannot erase.

Rounded, finished off, it couldn´t have any flaws. Only manual skill!



A point, a line, a needle and hands, which in the mechanics of gesture are form and color. You are now bodily movement of renewed forms. That are no longer the gestures of the past, but a choreography inspired by your process of manufacture and production, textures, colors and gestures. Perhaps the simplest point of a set of points that make up the Madeira Embroidery, but one that marks the childhood and memory of many women on the island of Madeira.


This show comes from the exploration of the memories and gatherings of the dancers of the Dançando com a Diferença Senior group, where the embroidery occupies a special place.

An immaterial book without pages, but with bodily matter, a reason for the creative exploration, that presents itself in this choreographic spectacle that during 45 minutes will take the viewer to the recomposing, reconstructing and reinterpreting of a scenic environment of a typical process of manufacture and memory of the embroidery.


The bodily - memory involves space as a simple expression of the gestures and movements of the interpreters.



Artistic File

Choreography: Natércia Kuprian and Telmo Ferreira

Artistic direction: Henrique Amoedo

Interpreters: Conceição Correia, Conceição Vieira, Dalila Abreu, Eulália Lopes, Fernanda Sousa, Gorete Jesus, Ilda Câmara, Irene Sequeira, Maria do Céu, Maria José Freitas, Rita Faria, Teresa Spínola and Zaida Silva.

Guest interpreter: Henrique Amoedo


Scenography: Nuno Borba with Bárbara Matos, Joana Caetano, Pedro Silva, Rui João Costa and Sofia Marote

Costume: Natércia Kuprian, Nuno Borba, Bárbara Matos and Joana Caetano

Light design: Henrique Amoedo


Production: Diogo Gonçalves / Dançando com a Diferença

Artistic residencies: Fábrica Bordal, Fábrica Patrício & Gouveia and Arquivo Regional e Biblioteca Pública da Madeira

With support of: Municipalty of Funchal


The process of creating scenography and costumes was supported by the students of the CAO - ARTISTICO Pilot Project.


Duration: 45 min.

Rated: + 3 years

Absolute premiere: 03/12/2017    Integrated in ENCLUDANÇA - 3º International Meeting of Art and Accessibility

Garanito: Histórias e Memórias

Garanito: Histórias e Memórias

Published at 26 March, 2018


