
Showing 81 - 85 of 91 results

IRS Consignment!

The IRS tax consignation does not represent for the taxpayer any additional payment or expense, meaning only that 0.5% of the tax already paid to the IRS and paid by the taxpayer in the year to be declared will be donated to an institution

Open News
  • Pub. 10 Apr, 2018
  • 9549

Art for Inclusion

Dançando com a Diferença is participating in a European youth project aimed at promoting inclusion practices through the development of artistic and cultural projects. This project is taking place between April 2nd and 8th in Alfaro.

Open News
  • Pub. 03 Apr, 2018
  • 6549

Workshop forma para incluir

Este workshop “envereda pela aplicabilidade e trato nas questões dos serviços educativos através da sensibilização e compreensão do corpo e necessidades das pessoas com deficiência que visitam os espaços culturais”.

Open News
  • Pub. 28 Mar, 2018
  • 6060