My Dance Story: La Ribot
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My Dance Story: La Ribot
Who they are, how they got there and who they worked with through their own voice.
These are the questions that the activity "My Dance Story", created by Fórum Dança and Rumo do Fumo, challenge the choreographers themselves to answer.
Promoted in the region by Dançando com a Diferença, throughout 2019, four well-known choreographers will come to talk about their history in dance, in a conversation with the public that will deepen knowledge in the area and arouse the interest of the most curious.
This Monday, February 18, at the Dançando com a Diferença headquarters, at 6pm, the first moment will be with La Ribot.
La Ribot is a Spanish choreographer living in Switzerland and one of the great names in International Contemporary Dance. With numerous awards that recognize the uniqueness of her work in the area of Dance, this artist was also recently recognized for her work in the plastic arts with "Premio de Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid 2018".
La Ribot is the author of the most recent work by Dançando com a Diferença, the show "Happy Island".
Place: Rua dos Barcelos nº 09 RC / Santo António
Time: 6pm
Free entrance - limited places.
Booking: 291 771 138 // 92 706 9966
Published at 15 February, 2019